Start with a simple, generic contract form. 从简单、典型的合同入手。
Discussion on improving salvage contract form used in China 完善中国国内统一的标准救助合同格式的探讨
Please fill out a contract form for the exhibition, and deliver the remittance proof of exhibition cost to organizing committee. 请填妥“参展合同”表格,并将参展费用汇款凭证传真组委会。
All enclosures of this contract form inseparables elements of the same. 本合同的所有附件不可分割,具有相同法律效力。
Start with a simple, generic contract form. The form in Appendix A is such a form. 从简单、典型的合同入手。附录A就是一个简单、典型的合同。
To discuss legal contract form is help to understand free of contact form and exactly apply the laws. 探讨法定的合同形式对于正确理解合同形式自由、正确适应法律具有重要的意义。
It is concluded that convertible preference stock is a superior venture capital contract form. 并得出可转换优先股是最优的风险投资契约形式的结论。
Statutory contract form is the carrier of consensus of the two parties in the contract. 合同法定形式是法律要求的当事人合同的表现形式。
Analysis of agency cost of contract form of state-owned enterprises 国有企业契约形式下的代理成本分析
In our country, the stipulation of the related principle of the contract form requirement is uncertain, so it should be perfected in different ways on its functions. 我国立法有关合同形式要求规则的规定存在不确定性,应根据其功能从不同的方面加以完善。
This paper analyzes the problems existed in the contract of geological and prospecting enterprises and puts forward some proposals for rectify and reform in the light of contract plan, contract pattern, contract form and contract link etc. 文章对地勘单位效益承包中存在的问题进行了分析,并针对承包思路、办法、形式和承包环节等方面提出了整改意见。
Chapter two: definition of statutory contract form and specific forms. 第二章,合同法定形式的范围和具体表现方式。
This concept has covered the administrative contract form important document, the goal important document and the content important document. 该概念涵盖了行政合同的形式要件、目的要件和内容要件。
With characteristics of supply chain corporation and agency theory the distribution strategy based on the share contract form is setup, and the profit distribution system combined with group rewards and penalties is built. 根据供应链企业的特点,应用委托&代理理论,建立了基于产出分享合同形式的分配策略与团体惩罚相结合的利益分配机制;
Asset specialization is important to the selection of contract form and governing structure. 资产专用性存在与否及专用性的大小,对于采取不同的合约形式及其规制结构具有很好的解释作用。
Legal type is the necessary request of legal contract form. EDI contract is special and not written one, but it is valid. EDI合同是一种其他形式的合同,不宜将其归入书面形式,但应肯定其法律效力;
Legal type is the necessary request of legal contract form. 法定合同形式的类型主要包括一般书面形式与特殊书面形式。
This develops the contract form of Rawls 'moral theory, and complemented Rawls' negative points. It has significant influence in contemporary ethics. 从而发展了罗尔斯道德理论的契约形式,对罗尔斯强于制度美德而疏于个人道德论证的缺陷做了有益补充,在伦理学界引起了较大反响。
When discussing on enterprise contract nature, the new system on economic has analyzed the not completeness on contract and its influence to the enterprise contract form. The enterprise is knot synthesis between the relation contracts and the recessive contracts. 在探讨企业契约性质时,新制度经济学分析了契约的不完全性及其对企业契约形式的影响:企业是关系契约和隐性契约的结合体;
Constructs the order view to think generally human's rationality has the supreme status, thus, the people may rely on own rationality, may construct the social system, the economic system and society's resources disposition way through the contract form is the economic system. 建构秩序观一般认为人的理性具有至高无上的地位,因而,人们可以凭藉自己的理性,可以通过契约的形式建构社会制度、经济制度和社会的资源配置方式即经济体制。
Chapter three: principal of statutory contract form. 第三章,合同形式的原则。
It takes the net cash flow and cost income as the target function, a contractual theory model is set up. The model gives why venture capital institution exists and analyzes different contract form. 以净现金流量和成本收益为目标函数,建立了风险投资机构存在的契约理论模型,指出了风险投资机构存在的原因。
On the analysis of the contract risks on click, mainly from click contract form of existence of a risk and risk content from two aspects of this paper. 在分析点击合同存在的风险上,则主要从点击合同存在的形式风险和内容风险两方面进行论述。
Although the application of the law, the division of breach of contract form in the liability for breach of contract establishment and by their praises, but still beyond the reach of a fundamental breach of contract happens can make up for these shortcomings. 虽然在法律适用中,划分违约形态在违约责任的确立和划分等方面有其出色之处,但仍有其可望而不可及之处,根本违约恰好可以弥补这些缺点。
This article analyses the fairness in End User License Agreement, including the fairness in contract form and its content. 文章着眼于计算机软件最终用户许可协议的公正性问题,对其缔约程序和条款内容的公正性进行考究。
The basic business of the bank includes taking deposits and offering loans, therefore the basic contract form of international banking contract including deposit contract and loan contract. 银行的基础业务是吸收存款和发放信贷,其基础合同形式包括跨国存款和贷款合同。
As a new contract form, electronic contract having the same nature and characters. 电子合同是一种新的合同方式,但其也具备合同的一般属性。